I needed her like I needed gas in my lungs.

I needed her like I needed gas in my lungs.

I saw her at that party and I knew all about her.

The way she jumps around from boy to boy, breaking hearts with her big eyes and long brown hair.

She looked at me and I looked at her.

She was smiling.

At me.

I smiled back. Let her think I’m falling for her, I thought.

She stood up from the couch in the corner of the room and made her way over to me.

“Hi,” She whispered in my ear. “I haven’t seen you before. What a shame.”

I moved away. “I’m new here. From LA.”

She seemed shocked by my wanting to distance myself from her, so she moved closer to me.

“Want to go somewhere where we talk… alone?” She looked at me and smiled, her eyes shining with power.

I smiled back. “Sure. I need you.” I replied to her.

Her eyes widened but her sleazy smile stayed.

“Oh really?” She inquired, her arm slithering around my back.

“Oh yeah.” I whispered in her ear.

“I need you like I need gas in my lungs.”


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